Opening Times

Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 15:30
Sunday: 10:30 - 15:30

Travel Directions to the Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital

Plan your route to the Camden Campus by public transport with the .

We would strongly advise travelling to the Camden Campus by public transport as it tends to be the quickest method.

Travel by rail (overground)

Camden Road (0.4 miles; approximately 8 min walk) Kings Cross (0.5 miles; approximately 10min walk) St Pancras (0.5 miles; approximately 10min)

Travel by Underground/Tube

The nearest underground train stations are:

  • Kings Cross/St Pancras (0.5 miles; approximately 10min walk)
  • Camden Town (0.5 miles; approximately 10min walk)
  • Mornington Crescent (0.4 miles; approximately 7min walk)

Travel by bus

  • Route 46 stops on Royal College Street
  • Route 214 stops at the end of Royal College Street

Our clients are predominantly from the Central North London area but we also have many from further afield – especially for our Exotic Pet specialist vet team. Due to our outstanding reputation, many clients travel further so they can access the high level of skills and expertise from our RVC veterinary team.  

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